Mailing Address
Peterborough Amateur Radio Club
c/o 1201 Grandview Ave., Peterborough Ontario, K9J 5P7 (FN04)
2024 Membership Fee
The basic annual membership fee is now $40.00 per year or $50.00 per year for family membership living at the same address. This amount includes mandatory liability insurance coverage through Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC).
There is a surcharge of $13.00 for members who are do not have current RAC membership to cover mandatory RAAC Liabilty Insurance coverage.
Annual Memberships must be paid by December 31st to continue RAC Liabiltiy coverage into the following year. Membership payment can be made directly to the Treasurer during meetings or mailed to the address above. New memberships are payable on a prorated basis of 1/12 of the regular membership fee for each month for the balance of the membership year.
All members in good standing shall have voting privileges and all the rights and privileges of membership. A member whose dues are two months in arrears (i.e., not paid by March 1st) shall be considered a member in poor standing and as such shall not have voting privileges at any general meeting. A member whose dues are three months in arrears or more (i.e., not paid by April 1st) shall be considered to have cancelled their membership and all rights and privileges accorded to a member in good standing shall be revoked. A member may be reinstated by payment of back dues for the current calendar year.
We are now accepting 2024 Membership applications. Please download the PARC Membership Form here and give updated information to Barry Monaghan VE3BLM.
RAC Liability Insurance
According to RAC's Insurance policy, you can only receive RAC's 5 million dollar liability insurance coverage if you are an active member with a RAC affiliated club such as PARC. Simply being a RAC member does NOT automaticaly give you liability insurance. If you are a RAC member in good standing, you will not be required to pay the insurance surcharge when paying for PARC membership. Please note that PARC membership expires December 31st and like any insurance policy, you no longer have RAC's Liabity coverage if you have not paid PARC dues before January 1st.