We are now accepting 2024 Membership dues. Please download the PARC Membership Form to submit any updated information to Barry Monaghan VE3BLM

PARC Meetings

Next PARC Meeting: January 9th, 7:30 pm

Tonight's "in person" meeting is cancelled! MEETING WILL ONLY BE ON ZOOM!!!!

All meetings are hybrid meeting of combined in-person and zoom. The meeting location is at Otonabee Valley Public School's Library, 580 River Rd S, Peterborough, ON K9J 1E7. Take south doors from parking lot and walk straight to Library.

Peterborough Amateur Radio Club meetings are "usually" held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm. All amateurs including anyone interested in becoming an Amateur radio operator are welcomed to attend PARC meetings.

Planning of 2023 Field Day was the main topic of discussion at June's meeting. This is PARC's largest event and requires many volunteers to help setup, run and to take down.

PARC Executive 2023 Elections

February, 2023

The positions of President (VE3PTA), Vice-President (VE3KBI), Treasurer (VE3BLM) and Activities Director (VA3NW) were all acclamied at January's meeting. VE3BSR was acclamied for the position of Secretary at February's meeting

Many thanks to John, VA3NW for being Activities Director the past few years. Clay, VE3YCL has now taken on the postion of Activities Director.

TCA December-2004, Peterborough Flood

December, 2004

In 2004, Robert Kearns, VE3KEA SK, submitted to TCA an article on the 2004 Peterborough Flood State of Emergency.

TCA-2004 Peterborough FLood


TCA RAC Challenge

November, 2021

Paresh VE3PQX, submitted to TCA an article on "My First Activation for the RAC Challenge".

TCA 3D Printing Article


TCA 3D Printing for Amateur Radio Article

Summer, 2021

Don VE3BSR, submitted to TCA an article on "3D printing projects for Amateur Radio".

TCA 3D Printing Article


TCA Trent Regatta Article

January, 2020

Martin VA3OMW, submitted to TCA an article on PARC participation at the annual Trent Regatta.

TCA Trent Regatta Article


PARC Basic Level Amateur Radio Course


The Peterborough Amateur Radio Club are not conducting any Basic Level Amateur Radio courses at this time. Please go to RAC Radio Courses website for upcoming on-line courses.

Join Us ON Facebook

PARC Facebook Group

PARC Facebook group is for all to have some fun, exchange ideas thoughts and images of your triumphs and fun on the air, projects, photos of your shack or if you see a band opening or know of a special station let us know. Come on in and join the group.

2023 Field Day

Click Here to access the Field Day webpage.

This year's event will be held at Newhall Park.

Weekly Coffee at the Squeaky Wheel

Wednesday Mornings at 11:00 am

Wednesday Mornings located at Tim Horton's, 898 Monaghan Rd, Peterborough.

Saturday Breakfast - Jack's Family Restaurant

Saturday Mornings at 8:30 am

Saturday Mornings located at Jack's Family Restaurant on George St. at the Market Plaza.

Fox Hunts

Next Fox Hunt: TBD

PARC Fox Hunts are usually held once a month starting on top of Armour Hill in Peterborough. Tune up on VE3PBO (146.625-) and then switch to Simplex (146.580) to find the FOX. The minimal equipment required is a two meter Handi. The vehicle traveling the shortest distance wins. There is no rush as time is not a factor. All are welcome.

PARC Christmas Dinner at Swiss Chalet @ Lansdowne

6:00 pm December 15th, 2023

We are going to Swiss Chalet @ Lansdowne for our Christmas Dinner this year. Dinner starts at is 6:00pm. Please contact Nina VE3IRK or Clay VE3YCL to book a seat.


Other Past and Upcoming PARC Involved Activities
Volunteers are always needed!

One of our main goals is to serve the local community communications needs wheither it is during an emergency or for community events. Contact Clayton Youmans,ve3ycl@gmail.com if your organization requires help with communications during an event.

2019 - 2023


December 15th, 2023 Annual Christmas Dinner at Swiss Chalet, 6:00pm Contact Nina VE3IRK
Oct. 21st - 22nd, 2023 Jamboree On The Air Contact Clay, VE3YCL
June 24th - 25th, 2023 Field Day at Newhall Park Contact Clay, VE3YCL ve3ycl@gmail.com
January 28th-29th, 2023 Winter Field Day Contact John, VA3NW
May 26th, 2019 Walk for MS Contact Barry, VE3BLM
May 26th, 2019 Walk for Dog Guides Contact Barry, VE3BLM
Sept 30 - 2nd, 2023 Head of the Trent Contact Clay, VE3YCL
Oct. 1st, 2023 Run for the Cure Contact Clay, VE3YCL